
None Lower Than the Lord • A Weekly reflection with Vincent

"You know that Our Lord willed to be tried by all kinds of misery. ‘We have a High Priest,’ says Saint Paul, ‘who knows how to sympathize with our weaknesses because He has experienced them himself.’ (Hebrews 4:15) Yes, O Eternal Wisdom, You willed to experience and...

Anecdotes of the Vincentian Family: The Original Service of Frederic to the Poor

At first, the original members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul were organized so that each one was in charge of a family to help. Frederic Ozanam was entrusted with a family of a mother, who worked ceaselessly, with five children, and a father who, as she told...

Collaboration has been part of our Vincentian story from the very beginning

On August 23 we celebrate the anniversary of the founding by St. Vincent de Paul of the Ladies of Charity– the first organized expression of the Vincentian charism. This video explains that collaboration has been part of our Vincentian charism from the very beginning.

Fire – blessing or curse?

Fires are burning faster and hotter than ever before, and complex socio-economic factors are resulting in more people being affected by the effects of smoke, debris flows and other wildfire effects.

Upset, Dismay, Annoy, Distress

Upset, Dismay, Annoy, Distress

Jesus is the peace between natives and foreigners, whites and blacks, men and women.  One, then, need not be upset by the other. Jesus says good-bye at length to his disciples.  For he wants them to keep their faith in him; he does not want trials to upset them. No,...