Vincentian Family Office

Interview with Sr. Elisabeth Halbmann, General Superior of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul in Untermarchtal (Germany)

Sr. Elisabeth Halbmann, General Superior of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Vincent de Paul in Untermarchtal (Germany) discusses her congregation.

A Compass for the “New Normal”

More than a year after the beginning of painful experience of the Covid-19 Pandemic and with the certainty of being at the beginning of the end and with vaccination underway, the world begins to draw conclusions and imagine what the future might be like.

The Little Big Woman

There are innumerable women who shaped our history, those who with their words, their silences, their strength or their sensibilities were showing us the maternal face of God.

SSVP Took Part in a Panel Discussion on Homelessness at the United Nations

Renato Lima de Oliveira, took part in the panel discussion titled “Digital Technology at the Service of Ending Homelessness,” together with other experts on the subject.