Vincentian Family Office

Interview with Guillermo Campuzano, CM,  Vice President of Mission and Ministry | DePaul University 

DePaul is profoundly pragmatic.  In this, we follow the leadership of our students.

Interview with Sister Jane Ann Cherubin, SC, General Superior of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill

Interview with the General Superior of the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill

The Complete Works of Frederic Ozanam Are Now Being Published in Spanish

The first volume of the Complete Works of Frederic Ozanam has been published in Spain.

Solomon Islands: Interview with Father Yohanes Werang, CM

Since 2018, Fr. Yohanes Werang has been a member of the international missionary team in the Solomon Islands ministering as a formator at Holy Name of Mary Seminary.

VFCAP goes to Taiwan!

VFCAP goes to Taiwan!

Knowing the need for deeper collaboration among Vincentian Family groups in Taiwan, the Congregation of the Mission Chinese Province organized a workshop for Vincentian collaboration last week, May 16-19, 2016 . Ms. Pamela Mantuhac, a member of the design-team of...