Cristina Conti DC

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 11

After the excursion to Assisi yesterday (Sunday) and after celebrating the Eucharist this morning, the delegates gathered in the Merry Del Val Assembly Hall at 09:30 hours. The session began with the invocation of the Holy Spirit (in Indonesian). The moderator...

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 9

After the celebration of the Eucharist, the session began with the invocation of the Holy Spirit (in Chinese). Video presentation of the Province of the Philippines explaining the ministry of accompanying widows and orphans of individuals who have been extrajudicially...

The National Gathering of the Vincentian Family in Brazil Stressed the Importance of Seeking New Ways of Acting Together

The National Meeting of the Vincentian Family was held in Osasco (Brazil) from June 17 to 19 and included the participation of representatives from thirteen branches of the Vincentian Family.

Tireless work of the Vincentian Family and donation from French benefactors helped families affected by the rains in the mountain region of Rio

Gradually, life goes back to normal. After three months of the rains that devastated the mountain region of Petrópolis, students have already returned to class and a great network was formed to help their families and school employees to recover from the damage they suffered.

The Little Big Woman

The Little Big Woman

There are innumerable women who shaped our history, those who with their words, their silences, their strength or their sensibilities were showing us the maternal face of God.