Vincentian Family Office

Informational Video about the International Formation Center (CIF) in Paris

Father Andrés Motto, Director of the International Formation Center (CIF) in Paris, explains the work that is done during the formation sessions that are offered to the members of the Vincentian Family (priests, brothers, sisters and laymen and women).

Access to water: the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth work towards a right still denied to many

Water is one of the basic rights that is, unfortunately, still denied to many people across the globe.

“Letter of Nairobi”: Resolutions of the SSVP All Africa Assembly

From July 20 to 23, 2022, Kenya hosted the 2nd “All Africa” Assembly, which brought together the national presidents of the 42 countries where the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is present in Africa.

Vincentian Popular Mission in Belo Horizonte (Brazil)

On July 2-16, 2022, Padre Misericordioso Parish in Belo Horizonte (Brazil) was visited by a group of missionaries involved in the ministry of Vincentian Popular Missions.

Interview with Father Vitaliy Novak, CM

Interview with Father Vitaliy Novak, CM

Fr. Vitaliy, a missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Ukraine, is also president of the Board of Depaul Ukraine, an organization that is part of the worldwide Vincentian Family, which is doing important work helping those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.