Young Vincentians

Partnership: Electric Ireland and SVP Ireland

Electric Ireland's partnership with the SVP Ireland  has produced a treasure called "What Do You See - Introducing Young SVP's '17 Under 17'." It warrants reproducing in its entirety. Following the release of #WhatDoYouSee, a cutting edge short film, we’ve identified...

Now on Social: Electric! Young SSVP Ireland #IamVincent

Electric Ireland has partnered with the SSVP to produce a fantastic video on the Young SSVP. Called #WhatDoYouSee, it's Electric Ireland's way of partnering with the community. You can view the video by clicking the #WhatDoYouSee link, or clicking the image above....

Vincentians of Wherever: Alexis Fuentes

You find Vincentians in cities, towns, schools, cafes... wherever. In a recent interview in a cafe in northern New Jersey, Alexis Fuentes, a former Missionary Cenacle Volunteer, spoke with me about her connection to the Vincentian Family and a bit of her life now....

Dare I say I am Vincent?

A LETTER TO MY YOUNG FRIENDS IN THE VINCENTIAN FAMILY Dear friends: Just like you, my life is shaped by Vincent; in a real sense, however small, I am Vincent. So are you. I met some of you for the first time at the USA/Canada Vincentian Family Gathering. Some of you...

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