Today is the 377th anniversary of the day St. Louise de Marillac and four Daughters of Charity pronounced vows for the first time.

by Famvin Media Resources | March 25, 2022 | Daughters of Charity, Formation, Media | 0 Comments
The annual and renewable vows of the Daughters of Charity are a progressive confirmation of their particular charism–
each year a new YES is pronounced in freedom to the vocation to which God calls them.
by .famvin | March 25, 2019 | Daughters of Charity, Formation | 0 Comments
Today is the 377th anniversary of the day St. Louise de Marillac and four Daughters of Charity pronounced vows for the first time.
by Famvin Media Resources | March 24, 2019 | Formation, Media | 0 Comments
Here is the answer to this question, in 6 slides.
by John Freund, CM | July 15, 2015 | Daughters of Charity, Formation | 0 Comments
by .famvin | Mar 25, 2019 | Daughters of Charity, Formation
Today is the 377th anniversary of the day St. Louise de Marillac and four Daughters of Charity pronounced vows for the first time.
by Famvin Media Resources | Mar 24, 2019 | Formation, Media
Here is the answer to this question, in 6 slides.
by John Freund, CM | Jul 15, 2015 | Daughters of Charity, Formation
On this happy day of Sr. Ellen Reilly’s vows, I hold out to you what might seem to be a strange topic: fasting. It’s...
by John Freund, CM | Mar 25, 2015 | Formation
Griffin consecratedSo much happens on March 25th in the Vincentian Family – Father Pat Griffin reflects on “Why are you here, Elijah?”
by John Freund, CM | Feb 22, 2015 | Formation, Sisters of Charity
Although community is largely what draws me to this vocation, I did not previously understand how deeply woven it is into poverty, celibacy and obedience.