vincentian spirituality

Taking In (Nehemiah 8; I Corinthians 12; Luke 4: 18-21)

“Taking in the news.” It can refer to events both good and bad, taking in the news of a baby’s birth, for instance, or at the other end, receiving word of a loved one’s passing.

Being The Beloved (Isaiah 40:11: Lk 3:22)

A gift – something given over freely, with good will and coming not from obligation but from good will and esteem. It raises the question: of all the gifts to receive, which would be the most valuable and precious?

Three Epiphany Words (Mt 2:1-12; Is 60:1-6)

This thread of “Stop, Look and Go” winds through the words and actions of this Feast of Epiphany.

Ready to See (Luke 3:1-6; Phil 1:9-10)

What the teacher had done was prepare him to see. She had given him a way to notice more of what was there.

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)

Widening The Gate (Luke 13:22-30)

One of Jesus’ more intriguing images is that of the gate, the entranceway into his Father’s Kingdom. Entrance depends in large part on the practical steps we take to build the kind of unity, accord and cooperation that reflects his Father’s world.

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)

The Kingdom Interpretation

The Kingdom Interpretation (Mk 12:44-48) To profess myself a Christian is to profess a desire – and that desire is to follow behind the Lord, Jesus Christ. Perhaps “follow behind” doesn’t quite get to the heart of it. It’s more accurately a “stepping into his...

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)


Testifying (Luke 9:1-2) Reading Luke’s account of the disciples being sent out, I put myself in the shoes of one of those 70 individuals directed to go forth and proclaim the Good News that in Jesus, God’s forgiving compassion is drawing near. How would I feel...

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)

On Listening

“On Listening” (Luke 11: 16, 29-31) One of the most gratifying compliments is to hear that you listen well. It conveys another’s feeling that something of his or her inner self has gotten through, that not just the words but the deeper resonances of those words have...

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)

The Ministry of Encouragement

The Ministry of Encouragement (Hebrews 12:1) There’s a wonderfully comforting image in the Letter to the Hebrews which has special application to us in Vincent’s Family. The author sets out to build up his struggling fellow believers and does this through a...

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)

Sent Out

“Sent Out” (Isaiah 61:1-2) There was a documentary on TV about the Renaissance, that period of awakening in the history of Europe when a fresh energy flooded into the culture and triggered off a whole new view of the world. The reason for it, as the show presented,...

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)

A Life Time of Answering

A Life Time of Answering (Mark 8:27-30) People have wondered about the surprising, almost jarring response Jesus makes to Peter right after this apostle gives the exact right answer to the question, “Who do you say I am?” His reply, “You are the Christ.” But Jesus...

Prioritizing (Lk 14: 25-9)

The Grace of Visibility

The Grace of Visibility (James 2: 1-5) America Magazine (8/06/18) recently featured an article entitled “Becoming Invisible.” The author observes how in both the early and ending years of life, a person is less visible to the surrounding world. A newly born looking...