
Praying with St. Vincent (Fr. Thomas McKenna)

“Let me begin this session on Prayer by asking you to place yourself on one of the chairs that is pulled up to the table at The Last Supper of Jesus. You are three seats over from Jesus and you notice that he’s getting still, as if preparing himself to stand up and say something.”

Practical Evangelization in the spirit of Vincent

As part of their ongoing preparation to celebrate their 400th anniversary the AIC (Association of International Charities) offers this continuing formation reflection devoted to practical evangelization in the spirit of Vincent.

Sacred Heart – Spirituality of Vincent and Louise

“For Vincent, the heart of Jesus was the source of missionary zeal. For Louise, it was the font of a burning charity that was both affective and effective.”

Vincent on the Trinity and Corpus Christi

Former Superior General Robert Maloney offered the following insights on Vincent on the Trinity and Corpus Christi. As we approach a "trinity" of celebrations which includes Father's Day in the USA we offer the following as the topic for reflection in the series...

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