
7 reasons we’re thankful for Francis… Vincent, Louise, Frederick, Elizabeth, etc

Mike Hayes with 7 reasons we are thankful for Pope Francis. Why we are grateful for the special people in the Vincentian Family Vincent, Louise, Frederic, Catherine, Elizabeth, etc.

Pope Francis: ‘The hungry ask us for dignity, not for charity’

Pope Francis: ‘The hungry ask us for dignity, not for charity’ – Echoing sentiments Vincent de Paul would express, Pope Francis spoke passionately on behalf of the more than 800 million hungry people in the world today

Thanksgiving – “The Prequel” and Vincentian Heritage

As Americans prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving remember there is a prehistory or “prequel” of Thanksgiving rooted deeply in Christian tradition and echoed in Vincentian heritage.

Vincent de Paul and Mohandas Gandhi: Five Commitments That Sustain Leadership

An unsigned essay from at Vincent on Leadership - the Hay Project at DePaul University  explores the theme "Vincent de Paul and Mohandas Gandhi: Five Commitments That Sustain Leadership" Though they lived centuries apart, Vincent de Paul and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi...
Vincent and Louise on varieties of martyrdom

Vincent and Louise on varieties of martyrdom

FamVin is happy to present this translation into English of an article on martyrdom  by  Corpus Juan Delgado, CM. It looks at the concept of martyrdom as it appears in the writings of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac.  The concept is examined from the...