
Preview of New Episode EWTN with SVDP leaders

St. VIncent de Paul international and national leaders on EWTN EternalWord Television Network

Official SVDP Syria Hostage Updates  March 19, 2015

Official SVDP Syria Hostage Updates  March 19, 2015


SVdP on Eternal Word Television Network

Lenten Message – International head of Society of St. Vincent

During the Lenten season, the Holy Father asks us to meditate especially on the love of God for each one of us in the ecclesial communion at the service of the little and poorest ones with Christ’s same heart, as an antidote to the “globalization of indifference”.

Spend an hour with successor to Frederic Ozanam?

Spend an hour with successor to Frederic Ozanam?

Would you spend an hour with the current successor to Frederic Ozanam? Michael Thio stands in a long line of Vincentians who have inspired and guided generations who accept the challenges that Frederic Ozanam and the first group of Vincentian volunteers confronted in their commitment to “do something” about the poverty, sickness and squalor found in the ghettos of Paris during the 1800s.