Formation: Systemic change

A Conductor Notices

We may sometimes feel like that piccolo player – that we don’t have much to offer, that if we stopped our ministry no one would notice anyway. Yet the Great Conductor notices, and needs us to complete his orchestral masterpiece!

Catholics, Advocacy And Systemic Change

The Vincentian Family, devoted to the poor, should be one of the loudest voices advocating for real and permanent change of the systems and structures and decisions that make and keep people poor.

A Parable – Paying attention to details

We can learn from Pope Francis how little things can be so significant in a “culture of encounter.”

Does Eucharist Call For Confronting Sinful Structures?

Does Eucharist call for confronting sinful structures? To some, the question may sound strange, especially when we think of the Eucharist as the sacrament of unity. But that is not the way all recent Popes and the United States Bishops see it. St. John Paul II ......