
Blessed Rosalie Rendu: Heroine at the Bedside of Cholera Victims

Blessed Rosalie Rendu, D.C. was able to control her emotions and remain calm and unshakeable as she organized relief services for her “beloved poor” struck down by disease.

Mother’s Day with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

“Elizabeth Ann Seton was a mother in every respect, loving her own children, her extended family, her spiritual daughters, her students, and persons in need, with maternal care.”

St. Louise de Marillac: gifted mentor, energetic influencer

“In all of her teaching and with every fiber of her being, Louise de Marillac transmitted the flame that was alive in her, a love for humanity drawn from a love for Christ Incarnate.” – Sr. Élisabeth Charpy, D.C.

St. Louise and Vincentian Care of the Sick

This month, on May 9, we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Louise de Marillac. A presentation takes a look at her experiences of caring for the sick and dying in France. In her letters we can see many parallels with our situation today.