
Niagara U President multi-faith vision – Huffington Post

The Rev. James J. Maher, C.M., Niagara U President calls for a vision of peace in a post The Huffington Post website, titled To Combat World Poverty, a Multi-Faith Approach: Unity Can Conquer An Ignominious Life for those Trapped by Hunger.

TV Documentary – Daughters of Charity in Mozambique

The popular Spanish language television station rtve,es has aired an in-depth documentary of the work of the Daughters of Charity in Mozambique. Mozambique is one of the worlds poorest countries. This high quality production, part of the  "People of God" series,...

“Sell your desk!” – Francis, the Vincentian

Pope Francis told the Archbishop in charge of the Vatican’s charity, “Don’t wait for people to come ringing. You need to go out and look for the poor.'”

Apps and low income communities

What if you are a smartphone owner who needs food stamps? Or you want to access a “daily deal” that offers free museum admissions to low-income New York City families? While there are no apps for that, increasingly there’s a demand for smartphone software that serves...

My humanity is bound up in yours

“My humanity is bound up in yours.” So writes Meghan Clark in an article that addresses the stark contrast between Catholicism and libertarianism and speaks to the underpinnings of so much of the Vincentian Family’s concern for those who are marginalized.

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