Poverty Analysis

Grow your own program with those in poverty

West Virginia Conference allows people in need to Grow your own The saying goes, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” The St. Louise de Marillac Conference, also known as the Conference of Southern West...

Saint Vincent de Paul in helping the poor save taxpayers ‎£11million per year

Research, by economists Oxera, shows that the Saint Vincent de Paul Society is helping taxpayers save ‎£11million per year, and found that the visits made to the isolated and lonely by the Saint Vincent de Paul volunteers, helped improve their mental health, helped...

The stress of poverty and our role as advocates

In "Behavioral Science and the Stress of Poverty: Dan Torrington, SVDP Western Region Voice of the Poor Leader writes  "Once we as Vincentians begin to really appreciate the mental and emotional stress of scarcity, as well as the physical toll poverty exacts, we know...

SSVP: A Voice for the Poor in Ireland

Slow economic recovery in Ireland has pushed the leader of the Society in Ireland to raise his voice for the poor. The Irish Times reports, “Geoff Meagher, national president of St Vincent de Paul (SVP), said the organisation is seeing an “alarming level” of calls...
Why be the Voice of the Poor?

Why be the Voice of the Poor?

By identifying and bringing attention to those issues that are critical to those living in poverty and to the structures, societal and legislative, that cause and perpetuate poverty, VOP Vincentians can help communities and elected representatives to develop strategies and tactics that will provide the most effective and efficient mean to reduce or eliminate poverty.

Vincentian thinkers

Vincentian thinkers

CALL FOR PAPERS -Prosperity, Poverty and the Purpose of Business Rediscovering Integral Human Development in the Catholic Social Tradition It has been said that the character of a people is found in the way that it treats its poor and marginalized. So what is the...

Thrown in jail for being poor

Thrown in jail for being poor

Unfortunately such reports are becoming more and more common. "Thrown in jail for being poor: the booming for-profit probation industry"  "Many poor Americans face jail when they can’t pay steep fines for nonviolent crimes, like $1,000 for stealing a $2 beer. So...