
Pope to wash feet of prisoners

Pope prepares to wash feet of inmates at Rebibbia prison

What the the Pope and the Cardinals prayed about

We too can reflect and pray about what the Pope and the Cardinals were asked to pray

Pope – Lent as a time to combat our growing global indifference

Pope – Lent as a time to combat our growing global indifference to our brothers and sisters

“I was eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame” (Job 29:15)

“I was eyes to the blind, and feet to the lame” (Job 29:15) – Pope Francis reminds us “Time spent with the sick is holy time “

What the the Pope and the Cardinals prayed about

World War III not far fetched – Pope Francis

“Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction… How is this possible? It is so because in today’s world, behind the scenes, there are interests, geopolitical strategies, lust for money and power, and there is the manufacture and sale of arms.”

What the the Pope and the Cardinals prayed about

Pope minces no words

Francis minces no words in Korea whether in prepared texts of off the cuff comments... To  religious communities he said ... “The hypocrisy of those consecrated men and women who profess vows of poverty, yet live like the rich, wounds the souls of the faithful and...