Pope Francis

Send the Elevator Back Down

Is sending the elevator back down enough? Thoughts on accompaniment.

The Pope Video • Priests and Their Pastoral Ministry

This month, the Pope asks us to pray that priests, who experience fatigue and loneliness in their pastoral work, may find help and comfort in their intimacy with the Lord and in their friendship with their brother priests. Pope Francis - July 2018 [youtube...

The Pope Video • Social Networks

This month, the Pope asks us to pray that social networks may work towards that inclusiveness which respects others for their differences. Pope Francis - June 2018 The Internet is a gift of God, but it is also a...

Connecting in a “Selfie” world

They were all there waiting for me,” the Pope said. “When I arrived, they made noise, as young people do. I went to greet them and only a few gave their hand. The majority were with their cellphones (saying), ‘photo, photo, photo. Selfie!’

“This Pope is reaching people”

Reading the signs of the times!

Recent events have given new meaning to "reading the signs of the times" Francis conquers the front cover of Rolling Stone magazine   magazine. (See also Vatican Insider) Vatican graffiti! A bright colored mural of Francis in a Superman pose has appeared out of...

“This Pope is reaching people”

The quotable Pope … in images

Edahn Small offers a visual presentation of 12 Inspiring Quotes from Pope Francis from 2013 on Economics, Spirituality, Abortion, Women, Politics, and Power. As the site says "you don't have to be religious to appreciate his refreshing outlook, compassion, and...

“This Pope is reaching people”

Pope’s visit to group occupying church

The Huffington Post tells the story of the impact of the Pope's visit to Tor Sapienza,  one of the Rome's roughest neighborhoods. Fifteen Italian families live in the deconsecrated church where the parish was previously located -- they occupied the building in October...

100th World Day of Migrants January 19

The followers of Vincent and Louise, Frederic and Elizabeth Seton who work with migrants and refugees throughout the world  can take courage from the message and actions of Pope Francis.Sunday 19th January the Church marks the 100th World Day of Migrants and...

Pope Francis on state of the world

Pope Francis on state of the world

"It is now a long-established tradition that at the beginning of each new year the Pope meets the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See to offer his greetings and good wishes, and to share some reflections close to his heart as a pastor concerned for the joys...

Know the date of your Baptism?

Know the date of your Baptism?

 Do you know the date of your baptism? This was a question he asked as he began a new series of catecheses on the Sacraments in St. Peter’s Square, focusing today on the Sacrament of Baptism according to Zenit... “Baptism is the sacrament in which our faith is founded...