Pope Francis

The Pope Video • Families, Schools of Human Development

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Families, Schools of Human Development.

The Pope Video • Integrity of Justice

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Integrity of Justice.

A Parable – Paying attention to details

We can learn from Pope Francis how little things can be so significant in a “culture of encounter.”

The Pope Video • The Priests’ Way of Life

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: The Priests’ Way of Life

Pope requests prayer for Synod 9/28

Sunday, 28 September is to be set aside as a Day of Prayer for the III Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, scheduled to take place from 5 to 219 October to treat the topic: The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization.

Pope  “Inside every Christian is a Jew”

World War III not far fetched – Pope Francis

“Even today, after the second failure of another world war, perhaps one can speak of a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres, destruction… How is this possible? It is so because in today’s world, behind the scenes, there are interests, geopolitical strategies, lust for money and power, and there is the manufacture and sale of arms.”

My humanity is bound up in yours

“My humanity is bound up in yours.” So writes Meghan Clark in an article that addresses the stark contrast between Catholicism and libertarianism and speaks to the underpinnings of so much of the Vincentian Family’s concern for those who are marginalized.

Jesus was not a professor, teacher or mystic

Jesus was not a professor, teacher or mystic

“Jesus wasn’t a professor, a teacher or a mystic who kept away from people as He spoke from afar. No, he was among the people. He would let people touch Him and ask Him questions. That’s how Jesus is. He is close to the people.”

Young people in 20 minute video chat with Pope!

Young people in 20 minute video chat with Pope!

Once again the Pope leads the way. Imagine young people from around the world  - 20 minute video chat with Pope! Rome Reports ... "It wasn't a regular videochat. Pope Francis simultaneously talked to young people from five continents, all connected at once, thanks to...

Pope  “Inside every Christian is a Jew”

What Pope said and Korean Church did not report

On the first day of Pope Francis’ visit to South Korea he met with the Korean bishops, telling them to be one with the poor.
However, some of his strongest advice was not reported at the time as several paragraphs from his talk were dropped in the official text distributed on the Korean bishops’ sponsored media website.