
Appeal for Peace in Mozambique: All United, in Prayer, for the End of Terrorism

In Mozambique (Africa), apart from the health shock, the humanitarian crisis is a sad and bitter reality.

Apostolic Journey of his Holiness Pope Francis to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius

Pope Francis is less than a month away from starting his trip to Mozambique, Madagascar and Mauritius, in Africa.

Mozambique Disaster

On March 14, cyclone IDAI, one of the worst natural disasters ever recorded, hit the provinces of Sofala, Manica and Zambezia in Mozambique.

Annual Meeting of Young Sisters in Mozambique

Young Daughters of Charity in Mozambique gathered for their annual spiritual formation, welcoming General Councillor Sister Neghesti for the day. Sister Neghesti offered reflections and photos on her daily life at the Mother House, and highlighted the final document...
Historic meeting of 22 Vincentian Bishops

Historic meeting of 22 Vincentian Bishops

For the first time ever all of the Vincentian Bishops were invited to meet in Rome. From June 23-25 twenty-two of the thirty-two bishops are participating in this gathering. They come from Lebanon, Italy, Poland, Colombia, Brazil, Mozambique, India, Madagascar,...