Louise de Marillac

St. Louise on the Infant Christ, and Mary His Mother

The contemplation of the intimate union of Mary with her son moved St. Louise to desire to attain profound union with her God.

St. Louise’s Devotion to the Immaculate Conception

Louise often spoke of the Immaculate Conception, prayed to Mary as the Immaculate Conception and instilled this devotion in her Sisters. Learn more in this SlideShare presentation.

Working for the Needy for Free and without Making Noise • A Weekly Reflection with Louise

"Oh, what a happiness, if, without offending God, the Company could be employed only in the service of those who are destitute in all things! To this end, this Company must never depart from nor change its poor manner of life. Thus, should Divine Providence provide...

Selfish or Individualistic • A Weekly Reflection with Louise

"My Most Honored Father, I cannot wait any longer to tell you of the state I was in during my little retreat. I believe God does not wish me to taste fully this sweetness for I have been distracted since yesterday by one of our sick who received Extreme Unction. She...
Saturday Study Hall – “Wake up the World”

Saturday Study Hall – “Wake up the World”

he challenge from Pope Francis is clear.  "WAKE UP THE WORLD" “The church must be attractive. Wake up the world! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, acting, living! (Show) it’s possible to live differently in this world.” "A charism needs to be “lived...

Formation Friday – New eBook on Louise

Formation Friday – New eBook on Louise

The March Vincentian eBook of the Month Club features Louise de Marillac, A Committed Woman compiled from various authors. For Louise de Marillac the years 1625-1633 were a time of preparation and discovery and reflection for the incredible ministry that awaited her...