Praying with St. Vincent (Fr. Thomas McKenna)

“Let me begin this session on Prayer by asking you to place yourself on one of the chairs that is pulled up to the table at The Last Supper of Jesus. You are three seats over from Jesus and you notice that he’s getting still, as if preparing himself to stand up and say something.”

Communication that leads to communion

Today, I am referring to communication that leads to communion, creating in us a deeper appreciation of both the message and the messenger. It allows us to reflect on what we have heard or seen, and to respond in a relational way. It best expresses who we are, and honors the sacred in the other.

The Challenge of Evangelizing Young Men and Women

Bishop  José Ignacio Munilla Aguirre knows first-hand the challenge of evangelizing young men and women. He was not always a Bishop. He was once a 16 year who learned to confront his fear of relating to people he did not know and were different from him. As a member...

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