
Good News: Helping one another carry his/her burden each day. @NiagarUniv #IamVincent

Amid the conical hats, demands for hot tea and general hullabaloo of New Year’s Eve was a gripping mini-documentary about a new program that launched last fall at a high school in Boca Raton, Fla. Produced by MassMutual, the three-minute piece spotlighted We Dine...

January: a USA season of protests #IamVincent

January brings a new year, and renewed attention to continuing social issues in the United States: Abortion, Women's rights, racism. DACA is still under siege. Why should Vincentians be present? A reflection by Colorado Vincentian Volunteer alumna and Vincentian Lay...

A Giving Tuesday Morning #IamVincent

It was Giving Tuesday. While most college students were sound asleep Tuesday morning, Justin Crawford woke up early to volunteer at Community Missions of Niagara Frontier. By 6:15 a.m., the Niagara University junior and several of his peers were clad in hairnets and...

Vincentians of Wherever: Recovery in New Orleans

Keeping in touch with Vincentian friends - whether or not they are part of any "official" branch -- is very Vincentian. Vincent kept in touch. He wrote over 30,00 pieces of correspondence. Imagine if he had Facebook and Twitter?! I've kept loosely in touch with a St....
Befriending the Other #IamVincent

Befriending the Other #IamVincent

Coming to the Midwest I expected to jump right into a new community. I had moved many times before and was generally good at the whole “making friends” thing. But it suddenly became harder after living intentionally with nine souls that intricately became connected...

Dare I Say I Am Vincent? Some Good News!

Dare I Say I Am Vincent? Some Good News!

Had enough of bad news in the media? Looking for good news? For almost 18 months famvin has been running a series called #IamVincent. Ordinary people sharing stories about how they live out the Vincentian Charism and dare to say “I am Vincent.” We are celebrating...

Who are the Homeless? #IamVincent

Who are the Homeless? #IamVincent

As we prepare to launch a major initiative to serve the homeless populations of the world, the Vincentian family needs to know the answer to the question, "Who are the homeless?" Then we need to share the truth. Steve Lopez of the LA Times paints a clear picture....

God is Good #IamVincent

God is Good #IamVincent

"There was one week in December when I felt like everything went wrong." Vincent would have known what you're talking about! He said, "Your soul will be blessed, Sister, if you bear patiently the troubles of mind and body His Providence sends you, or which come to you...

Still a stranger? The Imprisoned

Still a stranger? The Imprisoned

Why do we jail people for being poor? Why are they imprisoned? Today, half a million Americans are in jail only because they can't afford to post bail, and still more are locked up because they can't pay their debt to the court, sometimes for things as minor as unpaid...