
How do we measure global homelessness?

Access to quality data is essential in addressing the challenge of homelessness.

Handcuffs Will Not Stop Homelessness!

In a recent reflection on the site Invisible People, Robert Davis makes the point that handcuffs will never solve homelessness.

International Conference on Homelessness

DePaul University, in partnership with the Ruff Institute on Global Homelessness and the International Journal on Homelessness, hosted what may have been the largest-ever convening on global homelessness.

“Homelessness is a silent war on children”

What is the average age of homeless persons in America? Over 50 Between 30 and 49 Between 15 and 29 Below 15 I really wonder how many would have guessed age 11, much less that it is a well-researched fact. (as of January 2022). More info at this link Cynthia Griffith...