
Real Experience with Homelessness 2020

Real Experience with Homelessness: – Top 10 Posts of 2020 – Invisible People

Lessons Learned From Homeless People

“Any public health response that does not center the voices of people who have lived the experience of homelessness is going to come up with the wrong solution.”

Christmas – Testing Positive In a Homeless Shelter

I never cease to be amazed at how many times Invisible People stops me as they give voice to situations I had not thought of.

Vincentians – Celebrating and Challenging

Let’s remember what we learned during COVID-19, especially how we managed to maintain our personal relationship with those who, in addition to the daily challenges of living in poverty, must now weather the effects of the pandemic.

A Vincentian View: The Lord Hears

A Vincentian View: The Lord Hears

A Vincentian View: The Lord Hears A number of phrases in the Scriptures of the past weeks have stayed in the front of my mind. I have felt the truth of these words and the considerable summons which they offer. From one hearing, they bring consolation and...



Homelessness is a gender neutral issue, but still ever prevelant among men. The homeless population is approximately 51% men nationally, with 195 men currently taking shelter at St. Vincent De Paul-Dayton. There are many factors that effect men whether it be due to...

A one person collaborative effort?

A one person collaborative effort?

Mark McGreevey’s in combatting homelessness are successful because the many people he’s recruited to work with him from all walks of life in seven countries, and soon many more. He’s also successful, because he successfully roped the Daughters of Charity, a few of us priests and brothers and tons of lay Vincentians to join him.

A Vincentian View: The Lord Hears

A Vincentian View: Homelessness

A Vincentian View: Homelessness Once every two years, St. John’s runs a “Poverty Conference.”  This conference invites a discussion on an important situation in our society which impacts upon those who are poor and marginalized.  In the past few years, issues like...