
Pope Shares Laughter with special needs teens

Pope Francis virtually joined seven young people with disabilities and special needs in his second Google Hangout as pontiff, sharing jokes, advice and encouragement.

Watch Pope Francis Hangout with Children

Watch Pope Francis Hangout with Children

How do sisters handle relationships

How do sisters handle relationships? That’s the topic for this Holy Hangout. In a no holds barred conversation the sisters take on all kinds of relationships at all stages from discerning whether to become a sister to how to relate to men in a healthy manner consistent with a commitment to consecrated life.

How do relationships work when you’re a Sister?

It’s the big question: How do relationships work when you’re a Sister? Listen in and be a part of the discussion as we chat LIVE on YouTube Sunday, Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. CST, to answer that very question–and any others you have, of course!