
Cardinal Souraphiel, Member of the Congregation of the Mission, Designated President of the Ethiopian Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Cardinal Berhaneyesus Demerew Souraphiel, Archbishop of Addis Ababa and president of the Council of the Ethiopian Church, has been named president of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Ethiopia.

Breaking Down Barriers

How a first-hand visit to a Leprosy Center helps to break down barriers and reveal the humanity and the dignity of each person.

Hello Vincentian Lay Missionary!

Will you join me in the Kenyan Summer Challenge? Summer days are slipping away, and this fundraising effort is about halfway there.

VLM/VMC Impact: Generation by Generation

We will be sharing a series of reflections made by Vincentian Lay Missionaries and Vincentian Mission Corps participants about their experience serving, how it has impacted their lives and how they continue to live the Vincentian Charism today.  I was first...
What most do not know about the new Vincentian Cardinal

What most do not know about the new Vincentian Cardinal

“Despite the horrors of prison and solitary confinement, I found it transformative. It led to a spiritual rebirth for me. I had nothing, literally nothing, in solitary, so I cried out to the Lord from the depths of my being. I truly felt the presence of Jesus in those dark days.”

Another amazing Daughter of Charity – Bridget Harley

Another amazing Daughter of Charity – Bridget Harley

When she died in 2010 Australia took note of another amazing Daughter of Charity – Bridget Harley. The Spirit led her to join the Daughters of Charity in Sydney in 1943. In 1966 she responded to what would be her life-time commitment to educate disadvantaged children took her to Ethiopia where she spent thirty-eight years. By the time Sister Bridget left Ethiopia in 2005, aged 86, she had set up more than 150 early childhood development centres.