
Lessons Learned During the Pandemic: #1 – Our Elders are Important

Our elders are important: not only because we are what we are thanks to their work in the past, but because they are the most precious thing we have in our families and our society.

Rip Van Winkle Waking Up In a “Post-COVID World”

We haven’t been awake to how digital technology is changing the landscape of our lives.

The Daughters of Charity prevent hunger among single mothers in Ethiopia during COVID-19

Being a single mother of four is always a challenge, even more during a global pandemic.

Kenya HIV/AIDS Dream Center Continues Care and Offers Food Support During Covid-19 Pandemic

The Daughters of Charity tell us that safety measures are in place where they work in Langata-Nairobi, Kenya.

True to His Mission until Death

True to His Mission until Death

Jesus is the one whom God has sent to bring the Good News to the poor. He endures the cross to stay true to his mission. And he wants us to be like him. Jesus enters Jerusalem to the cheers of the crowds. They hail him “the Son of David.” They welcome him as the true...