
Vincentian Prayer Images: If Vincent Saw This…

I wonder what Vincent would think of this Nativity Scene scene!

Pope Francis Is Teaching Me To See Again

Pope Francis taught me to see… I see the nativity scene as if for the first time. 

The Systemic Change That Began In Mary’s Womb

Have you ever thought of the birth of Jesus as the greatest systemic change?

Does “Keep Christ in Christmas” Miss the Point?

What can we do to bring the Christ of the Gospels back into Christmas in a way that is more than a bumper sticker slogan that ends up being mainly a political football?

“I’ll Just Come Down and Show You”

“I’ll Just Come Down and Show You”

“I’ll Just Come Down and Show You” - God takes on human form at Christmas -- and gives us an example for how to live our lives In classic Busted Halo fashion the post cuts through to the essence of Christmas! From the post... A few years ago, I was trying to help a...