Akamasoa 2019

The Beautiful Prayer of Pope Francis for the Workers of Akamasoa

The Pope met the workers of Akamasoa, the “City of Friendship,” and prayed for them all.

Street Ministry: Matthew 25 Program (Maputo-Mozambique)

he Matthew 25 Program is an activity of the Catholic Church in which she maintains her Christian-Catholic identity while offering support to those who are most poor and/or abandoned.

Pope Will Visit Vincentians in his Upcoming Trip to Africa

During his next apostolic visit to Africa, Pope Francis will visit a reality that was born from and is rooted in Vincentian spirituality: the city of Akamasoa (the city of Good Friends).

Pedro Opeka, Madagascar’s Garbage Missionary

Candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, the Argentine Vincentian has involved the Malagasy in the transformation of a landfill into a city with 4,000 houses.

Interview with Father Pedro Opeka, C.M.

Interview with Father Pedro Opeka, C.M.

Taking advantage of his visit to Rome in 2018, the journalist Elena Grazini had the opportunity to ask some questions to Father Pedro Opeka, missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Madagascar: 1- Father Pedro what does it mean today to live in Akamasoa? How...