
Sisters Challenging Me To Think More!

No matter what era or even whether we went to a Catholic school, I suspect the teachers we remember most favorably were the ones who taught us to think.

The LCUSA Advocacy Committee Asks That You Take Action!

The LCUSA Advocacy Committee is helping for help on four different advocacy items.

Vincentian Solidarity Against COVID-19

Vincentian solidarity against COVID-19: 13 Houses Campaign and Coronavirus The "13 Houses" Campaign is expanding due to COVID-19 to support the poorest of the poor and the homeless. All monies raised by the Famvin Homeless Alliance through Depaul International will be...

Help Homeless People While Socially Distancing?

What can I do in this time of social distancing? The highly committed and knowledgeable folks at Invisible People offer many ways you can contribute to the welfare of homeless people in your community— all while maintaining social distance. Here is what I learned from...
“I’m just one person. What can I do?”

“I’m just one person. What can I do?”

“I have a passion for the issues that face those we visit. And I know that advocacy would help. But I’m just one person. What can I do?” Jack Murphy, Atlanta, GA, National Voice Of the Poor Chair voices the concern and offers a Vincentian response…. Just one person can make a difference.

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