Vincentian Family

Workshop on Trafficking in Persons in Costa Rica

On April 6 and 7, 2019, the Vincentian Family of Costa Rica lived with great enthusiasm the “Workshop on Trafficking in Persons.”

The Church must always surprise – Pope Francis

Is there any doubt that those in the upper room were surprised by the Spirit? Probably not. So maybe we should not be surprised when Pope Francis writes… “The Church must always surprise”.

Why are Vincentians at UN?

As part of the Vincentian Family at the UN, we were recently challenged to reflect on “Why are Vincentians a presence and actively involved at the United Nations?” Each member of the family is an accredited non-governmental organization (NGO) by the Economic and...

Members of the Vincentian Family in Venezuela Tell Us About Their Situation

The following reflections are answers to a questionnaire sent to our brothers of the Vincentian Family in Venezuela; members of various branches that make up our family. They show us the reality in various sectors of the country where we have a presence through their...