Vincentian Family

The CLAPVI Itinerant Mission

Collaborating now with the mission of the Daughters of Charity in Beni, Bolivia are four Vincentian priest-missionaries. Sr. Geralda McCluskey, D.C., originally from the USA and now stationed in the mission, coordinates the missionaries as they serve the “priest-less”...

Connect and Learn: Sisters of the Visitation of Mary (Hungary)

The Sisters of the Visitation of Mary (Anunciata) were established in 1883 at Budapest, Hungary, by several Daughters of Charity and Krankenjungfrauen (Nursing Sisters) who were sent to make a foundation and provide health care to the poor by Sister Leopoldine de...

Practical prayer – Robert Maloney, CM

In his usual clear and simple style former Vincentian Superior General, Robert Maloney, offers his thoughts for practical prayer in a recent issue of AMERICA Magazine. How Lord should we pray? Let us count the (15) ways. Like the wandering Russian in The Way of the...

How will you celebrate St. Vincent’s feast?

St. Vincent's feast will be lost in the shuffle this year. It falls on a Sunday...  and the last day of Pope Francis' historic visit to the United States. How will you celebrate St. Vincent's feast? The following links lead to the pages of Congregation of the Mission...

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