Vincentian Family

Paris Agreement on Climate Change and COP 22

Paris Agreement on Climate Change and COP 22 – Conference of Parties to UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) In December 2015, 197 countries promised to keep the world safe from the worst effects of climate change at the COP 21 in Paris. The...

Meeting of the Vincentian Family Leaders in Kenya

On Sunday morning, October 16, leaders of the Vincentian Family in Kenya gathered at the DePaul Center of the Lazarists (CM's) for a meeting with Fr. Joe Agostino, CM, the coordinator of the international Vincentian Family Office (VFO). The session provided us with an...

Vincentian Family Collaborates to Address Root Causes of Poverty

“We should assist the poor in every way and do it both by ourselves and by enlisting the help of others…. To do this is to preach the gospel by words and work.” Vincent de Paul[1] Frederic Ozanam founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in collaboration with five...

Joint Vincentian Family Commissions Meeting

On Monday, April 25, members of the Commission for the Promotion of Systemic Change and the Vincentian Family Collaboration Commission met in Bayside, New York. Their purpose was to share with one another the work of their Commissions and to seek ways in which they...
Animated guide to American football

Animated guide to American football writes... "If the most important parts to your Super Bowl festivities include the half-time show, commercials and finger foods, you may want a little football refresher so you can enjoy the game to the fullest extent. Luckily, we now have an all-inclusive...