Vincentian Family

Call to Action: What Can We Do?

What can we and the Vincentian Family do in the face of the many injustices that occur in our world? I invite you to look at this exclusive report from CNN with the very earnest question of, “What can we do?” CNN Article: "People for sale: Where lives are auctioned...

13th National Meeting of the Vincentian Family of Portugal, in Fatima

On Thursday, October 5 (Feast Day of the Republic, in Portugal), the seven branches of the Vincentian Family present in Portugal gathered in the Shrine of Fatima: the Congregation of the Mission, the Daughters of Charity, the International Association of Charities,...

Sixty Vincentians martyred during Spanish Civil War are beatified

This past Saturday Saturday 60 members of the Vincentian Family who were martyred during the Spanish Civil War were beatified at a Mass in Madrid, a “celebration of hope, faith and forgiveness.” “The grace experienced by these martyrs is impossible to understand...

Students Share Time with Vincentian Family U.N. Representatives

Wednesday, November 1 was All Saint Day, and I found myself sitting in a meeting room at The Church Center at United Nations Headquarters in New York with a group of approximately 35 college students from Saint John’s University. Included as part of the group were a...