Vincentian Family

The State of Systemic Change in the Vincentian Family

What is the “state of systemic change” in the Vincentian Family?

Advocacy: Collaboration is Essential

AIC International is a ECOSOC recognized Catholic NGO at the UN.  At the UN in New York, for nearly two decades we have fought the feminization of poverty with a small group of volunteer representatives.  For anyone who has engaged in this work, it is obvious that one...

The Vincentians at the UN on January 29th and 31st

In the framework of the fifty-sixth session of the Commission for Social Development, entitled “Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all,” which will take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York from January 29 to...

The Vincentian Question – What Must be Done?

One of St. Vincent’s benefactors turned to Vincent de Paul and asked: “what must be done?” Often referred to as the "Vincentian Question," this question has shaped the Vincentian mission ever since. I was reminded of this when a read some commentary on the Women’s...