Vincentian Family

Human Rights and Human Rights Defenders

As the world celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, atrocities against human rights defenders around the globe are on the increase. More than 120 activists campaigning to protect their land, environment and labor rights from...

Connecting Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and Systemic Change

At first glance, it may seem like quite a stretch to connect Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and Systemic Change. But hear me out. Actually, it is not that hard.

Successes, Expectations, Needs, Challenges and Difficulties of Collaboration in Africa

The Vincentian Family is on the move in Africa and Madagascar. In 2009, we were making plans. What follows is an excerpt from "Collaboration in the Vincentian Family: Needs, Expectations, Models," A paper presented by Michael Ngoka, C.M., at the Session for the...

Saint John’s Interns Boost UN Advocacy Through Social Media

Interns enhance our work at the UN in immeasurable ways.  One is their savvy with technology, which constantly either speeds advocacy efforts or provides a creative twist to it.  Using Prezi instead of power point for a presentation.  Spreading the word...