Vincentian Family

Visit to ACASVI, New Branch of the Vincentian Family in Peru

With great joy and hope, two ACASVI volunteers (Association of Charities Saint Vincent) brought Father Flavio to the Provincial house in Lima (Perú).

Happy Easter from The Vincentian Family at the UN Headquarters in New York

Members of the Vincentian Family at the UN along with Catholics the world over are celebrating Easter, and preparing to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday.

Manifesto of the Vincentian Family in Ecuador, in Favor of our Brothers and Sisters in Nicaragua and Venezuela

A manifesto of the Vincentian Family of Ecuador wishing to contribute their prayers and support for their brotherly countries of Latin America.

Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of Bread … Today

Perhaps for the first time, I asked myself why did the breaking of the bread open their eyes more than seeing and listening to Jesus along the road.