Society of St. Vincent de Paul

SSVP Took Part in a Panel Discussion on Homelessness at the United Nations

Renato Lima de Oliveira, took part in the panel discussion titled “Digital Technology at the Service of Ending Homelessness,” together with other experts on the subject.

The Council General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Launches the International Competition for Writings on Jules Devaux

As a way of promoting further the “International Year on the Theme of Jules Devaux,” the Council General of the SSVP hereby opens the International Literary Competition on “The First Conference.”

International Assistance for the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul arrives in Venezuela

With the arrival of emergency resources from the International Society of Saint Vincent de Paul International, the members in Venezuela have been able to help many people in need.

Circular Letter 2021 from the President General of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

For the fifth consecutive year, Renato Lima de Oliveira, publishes a Circular Letter in which he addresses the members throughout the world and encourages them to reflection on various themes.