Sisters of Charity

Sisters of Charity (Halifax) – our carbon footprint

The Sisters of Charity of Halifax offer this reflection on Lightening Our Carbon Footprint “We stand at a critical moment in Earth’s history, a time when humanity must choose its future” Earth Charter Preamble “The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant...

Future of Charity at one year!

The 23 bloggers at the Future of Charity celebrate their first birthday. Happy Birthday to us! On this day last year, we launched the Future of Charity blog. It was the first day of the Year of Consecrated Life and the first step on a journey. As the younger, newer...

Inter-Mission: Second round of chemotherapy, second time around

Sister of Charity (Cincinnati)  Janet Gildea shares her personal experience in Inter-Mission: Second round of chemotherapy, second time around in the NCR series Global Sisters Report. [See her earlier sharing Inter-mission: Life between remissions] Inter-Mission:...

Sister of Charity – Patron saint of scavenging

A recent article by Sharon Abercrombie in the NCR describes Sr. Paula Gonzalez, Sister of Charity of Cincinnati,  as a possible Patron saint of scavenging. The article begins... For Sr. Paula Gonzalez, SC 78, recycling is a spiritual practice. She views yard and...