Sisters of Charity

Sisters Of Charity Elect New President, Continue Mission

The Sisters of Charity of New York elected Sister Donna Dodge as its 25th president, guiding the holy women into the group’s third century of service.

The Mission Continues: Who is My Neighbor?

In a video created by the Sisters of Charity of New York, ministry leaders respond to the question: “Who is our neighbor?”– those most in need of our love and support in our times.

Public Statement Release of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, Convent Station, NJ

The Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, during their recently finished General Assembly, they published the following Public Statement.

Sisters of Charity Federation Assembly of the Whole

Summary reports and photos from the Sisters of Charity Federation’s Assembly of the Whole, which took place June 13-16 in Chicago, IL.

Hearing the call at DePaul

Hearing the call at DePaul

People are hearing the call at DePaul School for Hearing and Speech, which was founded by the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill. The following story appeared in the Pittsburgh Catholic. Teaching assistant Maria Supe works with Audrey Craig at the DePaul School for...

Take courage

Take courage

In Take courage Sr. Janet Gildea, a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, shares her ongoing journey through chemotherapy. I received my fifth chemo yesterday, sleeping through most of the six hour infusion while listening to “All Things Bright and Beautiful” as...

God of the journey

God of the journey

Sr. Tracy Kemme, SC offers another one of her reflections, God of the Journey, in her series for the blog The Future of Charity Yesterday, I witnessed two college friends enter into the covenant of marriage. The beautiful Mass took place in the Chapel of the...