
Lessons Learned During the Pandemic, 21: To Live with Calmness and to Engage in Respectful and Active Listening

This health crisis has tested me emotionally and I have discovered that  placing my trust in God is a WONDERFUL OPTION …  one that is worthwhile.

A Steadying Presence (Ps 128; Romans 8:35-39)

“God” is not just another word, but rather the designation of the overflowing reality at the heart of everything.

Systemic Change Begins with Education

St. Vincent instinctively realized the role of laypersons in bringing about systemic change.

Judge the Blessed and the Accursed

Christ the King is not one to judge by the way we look.  And on the last day, his teachings, by words and deeds, will be our judge. The Church has been urging us, for two Sundays now, to watch and be ready for the coming of Jesus in glory.  And today the teaching is...
Do we betray others?

Do we betray others?

Do we Betray Others? - Do People Care? -  Vincentians, Friends of Jesus – Vincentian Spirituality Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday, March 22 Do we Betray Others? – This has been on my mind since Palm Sunday when I watched The Passion, a musical performed...

The Cross: All About Giving

The Cross: All About Giving

A Vincentian View “The Cross: All about Giving” In Christian circles, this past Sunday, March 20, is most often called “Palm Sunday” but also “Passion Sunday” since one proclaims the story of Jesus’ suffering and death.  Now, the cross begins to move towards center...

Zealous for the House, the Kingdom, of God

Faith working through love

Jesus wants us to have a faith that is firm as a rock and immense as the sea. This faith, made alive by love, prompts Mary of Magdala to go to Jesus’ tomb at the first opportunity.  Due to the same faith, this female disciple stays outside the tomb weeping, after...