
The Pay It Forward Plan for Peace

Jesus’ mission was all abou teaching us to pay it forward. After all, God has first loved us and wants us to share that gift in our lives! Isn’t this what Jesus did? And it changed and is changing the world!

Lessons Learned From Homeless People

“Any public health response that does not center the voices of people who have lived the experience of homelessness is going to come up with the wrong solution.”

Nativity Power

The Christmas gospel from St. Luke starts out on a theme of power, the political power of an absolute ruler, Caesar Augustus.

What Size is Your Dream?

Let us not settle only for what is necessary. The Lord does not want us to narrow our horizons or to remain parked on the roadside of life. He wants us to race boldly and joyfully towards lofty goals.

Difficult words about mercy

Difficult words about mercy

As religious communities struggle to make sense of violence and killings at home and abroad, clergy members deliver difficult words about mercy and ‘the holiness of all.’ Many famvin visitors, especially among the Ladies of Charity USA, recognize Fr. Richard Gielow,...

A Vincentian View: Listening

A Vincentian View: Listening

A Vincentian View: Fr. Patrick J. Griffin, CM “Listening” Do you set aside books which you say that you are going to read when you get the chance?  I try to do that during the summer.  There are, of course, junk novels which I select for guilty pleasure, but there are...

Clouds by Day, and Fire by Night

Rich and Precious in the Eyes of God

There is no trace of greed in Jesus, and he is most rich in what matters to God. Jesus refuses to intervene in an inheritance dispute.  Perhaps he does not want to do something that others may misconstrue as softness with those who love money.  What is certain,...

The Apostolate of the Ear

The Apostolate of the Ear

Pope Francis will meet, from today on, with hundreds of thousands of young people, coming from all over the world to celebrate their faith in community. He's going to offer a word of encouragement and support, also the closeness of the entire Church in these complex...

Who Does God Say You Are?

Who Does God Say You Are?

Who does God say you are? - Button up on Discipleship -- Sing a New, Joyful Song Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday July 26, 2016 Who does God say you are? I know I am not alone in what I do.  I always believe God is with me.  Sometimes I need His...