
Turning Point in Your Life. From the Smallest Beginnings

How many of you can point exactly to when things changed for the better in your lives?

The “Before” and the “After” of the Ascension

The question “why are you looking at the sky?” is addressed to us today. Today, we are those dazed apostles looking up rather than within and around ourselves.

Martha Justice Ministry

Martha Justice Ministry is a continuation of how the Marthas live Gospel Hospitality through social justice and creation care.

How Did St. Vincent Help the Homeless of His Day

You may not believe that one man could do all that Vincent did!

A Vincentian View: The Truth

A Vincentian View: The Truth

A Vincentian View: The Truth Last year at this time, I was on vacation and that proves true in this year as well. Last year, I wrote an essay about the Olympics and the political campaign which were both taking place at that time. My theme centered on “giving your...

Come to Our Senses about Our Sins

Astounding Very Much Indeed!

Jesus, the astounding Son of Man, will astound us even at the last judgment.  He wants us to put him in the center. Among other things, the way Jesus teaches is astounding.  He teaches with authority.  This means, says St. Gregory the Great, that his authority does...