
Vincentian Prayer Images: What Moved Saint Vincent? V

Vincent was “drawn into” the Sending that is always radiating out from God.

Clear and Expressed Preference for the Apostolate among the Poor

We, the members of Misevi Colombia, are people of different ways of being.

Is the Our Father a Radical Prayer?

Jesus was a radical who was fully committed to doing God’s will. He showed us how radical he was when laid down his life for us. As he hung on the cross he said “Father, forgive them. They know not what they are doing.” Certainly the words of a radical!

Poverty Eradication an Elusive Goal, a Human Tragedy

Global extreme poverty (<$1.90 USD per day) rose in 2020 adding an additional 119 million.  By 2021 that number is expected to rise to 143 million.

Circles of Repentance

Circles of Repentance

Circles of Repentance (Jonah 3; Mk 1:14-15) At the beginning of Mark’s gospel, Jesus issues a no-holds-barred directive: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel!” It’s worthwhile noting that his command does not mean asking forgiveness for this or that sin. More...

Serving God Means Serving our Neighbor

Serving God Means Serving our Neighbor

Jesus indicates that serving God is serving the neighbor.  To help the needy, then, is part and parcel of the religion of his followers. Jesus teaches in the synagogue and amazes the people.  And by serving a needy person, he amazes them even more.  That is because he...

Service with Expansive Vision

Service with Expansive Vision

Collaboration amongst the Presentation Sisters and the Daughters of Charity in Australia has produced a fruitful organization dedicated to those living in poverty and on the margins. Below is an insightful article from Global Sisters Report by Sr. Lucy van Kessel...