
Leaven or Fungus for “Thy Kingdom Come!”?

Leaven is “a pervasive influence that modifies something or transforms it for the better.” Fungi are the principal decomposers in ecological systems. When are we leaven … and when are we fungi for the Kingdom?

A Vincentian View: Joseph in the Eucharistic Prayers

An important maxim in Christian tradition affirms simply lex orandi, lex credendi that can be rendered “The law of praying is the law of believing.” 

August 6 – Transfiguration… or… Disfiguration?

Transfiguration – Disfiguration. We have a choice. Which light will we walk in?

Perishable, Yet Saving Just the Same

The Word becomes flesh; the imperishable, perishable.  And he shares in our humanity so that we may share in his divinity. Jesus says that he is the bread that came from heaven, which makes the Jews grumble.  They are sure that he is from the same land as they and as...
We Are Called To Share Our Blessings

We Are Called To Share Our Blessings

Mother Teresa once said, “Give your hands to serve and your heart to love.” Carmen and Eddie Tolentino are a true testament to the blessings of sharing by giving their time to the Skid Row community. Since 1994 Carmen and Eddie have dedicated their time by making hot...

Men Transforming Men

Men Transforming Men

"We're all on a spiritual Journey. The question is whether you're awake to it or not." We've shared a few posts about the women from the Colorado Vincentian Volunteers who have had opportunities for spiritual exploration and discernment recently, but what about the...

A Canadian View: Barriers and Bridges

A Canadian View: Barriers and Bridges

We welcome Vincentian Jim Paddon as our latest contributor to the .famvin English site. He will be writing reflections for us twice a month on Thursday afternoons. You can read a little bit about him after his reflection. Thank you Jim!  There has certainly been...

Charity that Is Tender and Inclusive

Charity that Is Tender and Inclusive

Jesus gives us an example of tender and inclusive charity.  Our Teacher and Lord wants such charity to be the badge that identifies his disciples. The cure of a leper reveals clearly the charity of Jesus, the love that binds him to those who suffer.  He is moved with...