
Lenten Video Series, Day 12: Be the Light

Take the time to extend a gesture of mercy and sacrifice for others.

Guilt and Hope that We All Share

Jesus is the Good News of salvation.  He calls us who have sinned—and no one of us is free of guilt—to return to God.  So, there is hope for us.  In the face of evils, like war crimes, many wonder, “Where is God.”  As though the guilt were his.  Why does he allow...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XXIV

One of the reasons for Saint Vincent de Paul to be considered a key figure in the history of the holiness of the Church is his style of living his vocation. Each week we will present an example.

Lenten Video Series, Day 11: Reaching Out

Anne DeSantis, Director of the Raymond Nonnatus Foundation, offers her inspirational thoughts and guidance, not just on Lenten Sacrifice, but how we can learn and grow through sacrifice every day.

Pray, Ask, Seek and Knock as Jesus

Pray, Ask, Seek and Knock as Jesus

Jesus embodies what to pray, ask, seek, knock is.  We Christians, then, strive to pray, ask, seek and knock as he teaches us. Mary Magdalene recognizes Jesus and calls him, “Teacher” because he first calls her, “Mary.”  And because God loves us first, we love also. ...

Who Is a “Real” Christian?

Who Is a “Real” Christian?

I hear a lot of arguments about who is a “real”  Christian or Catholic. Sometimes they sound suspiciously like the platforms of one or the other political party. They often remind me of Paul’s words. “Whenever someone says, “I belong to Paul,” and another, “I belong...

Pray, Ask, Seek and Knock as Jesus

Necessary, Only Jesus Is Necessary

Only Jesus is necessary.  The men and the women who hear and follow him make the right choice that no one can take away from them. Jesus says that it is necessary that he suffers greatly in Jerusalem.  And in due time he makes up his mind to go there.  But on the way...