
Conversation with Fr. Memo Campuzano

Fr. Guillermo Campuzano, C.M., Vice President of Mission and Ministry at DePaul University, tells how he first met the Vincentians.

Sustainable Inclusive Development of People With Disabilities and Families in Thailand

People with disabilities thrive when given proper access to the rights and privileges afforded to us all, but often, that access is not granted.

Sister Anna Cantalupo, DC, Declared Venerable

On June 22, Daughter of Charity Sister Anna Cantalupo was declared as Venerable by Pope Francis.

A Home for Maria

Join us on a life-changing mission trip to Las Flores, Belize, in honor of the compassionate Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, who dedicated themselves to serving this community in collaboration with San Miguel Arcangel Missions. We invite you to be part of a volunteer...
Celebrating the feast of Blessed Federico Albert

Celebrating the feast of Blessed Federico Albert

Federico Albert (1820-1876) was an Italian priest, a member of the Congregation of the Mission and founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul of the Immaculate Conception or the Albertine Sisters.