
National Assembly of SSVP in Indonesia, Celebrating 60 Years

Congratulations to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Indonesia on their 60th anniversary. They assembled with their brothers and sisters from across Indonesia from 30 Jun to 2 July, 2023.

The Vincentian Popular Missions in Cameroon

From 10 to 16 April 2023, the Vincentian People’s Missions (MPV23) were held at Saint-Joseph Parish in NTUI, Diocese of Bafia, under the theme “Christian commitment today: come and follow me!” (Jn 20:21).

Deadline Extended! Young Adult Vincentian Small Faith Community

Attention Young Adults Ages 18-35! The next Vincentian Small Faith Community cohort will begin in August 2023 and continue through December 2023. The deadline has been extended!

A Single Step to Save the Environment

World Environment Day was celebrated in Nazareth Convent High School, Vasai (India), on June 23, 2023.