
Update on North American Vincentian Family Gathering: less than 2 weeks away!

We are less than 2 weeks away from the North American Vincentian Family Gathering in Chicago. Over 22 branches of the Family will be present.

Nearly 9 in 10 people in Ukraine do not have enough money to cover their living expenses, new report finds

Nearly 9 in 10 people in Ukraine do not have enough money to cover their living expenses, new report finds 

Supporting Children in India and Nepal

Sisters in India and Nepal find many ways to connect with and serve children in their communities through educational opportunities and celebration.

Children Across the World sing ‘May the Christ Light’

Experience the unity of voices from across the globe as children in communities served by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth come together to sing ‘May the Christ Light.’

Sisters on the Run

Sisters on the Run

Sister Liz Sjoberg has built up a community charity run event for the Brownsville community almost single-handedly over the last 6 years, now called Sisters on the Run.

Interview with Father Vitaliy Novak, CM

Interview with Father Vitaliy Novak, CM

Fr. Vitaliy, a missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Ukraine, is also president of the Board of Depaul Ukraine, an organization that is part of the worldwide Vincentian Family, which is doing important work helping those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.