
The Pope Video • Missionary Spring In The Church

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: Missionary Spring In The Church.

SSVP President General Takes up Suggestions Regarding the 2020 Circular Letter

The Circular Letter is a unique opportunity for the President General to directly address the worldwide membership. Suggestions can be submitted by email.

The UN Climate Action Summit

Protesters sent powerful messages to world leaders gathering at the United Nations for the Climate Action Summit.

Interview with Father Salvatore Russo, Superior General of the Missionary Servants of the Poor

Here we interview Father Salvatore Russo, Superior General of the Missionary Servants of the Poor.

Jesus was not a professor, teacher or mystic

Jesus was not a professor, teacher or mystic

“Jesus wasn’t a professor, a teacher or a mystic who kept away from people as He spoke from afar. No, he was among the people. He would let people touch Him and ask Him questions. That’s how Jesus is. He is close to the people.”

Young people in 20 minute video chat with Pope!

Young people in 20 minute video chat with Pope!

Once again the Pope leads the way. Imagine young people from around the world  - 20 minute video chat with Pope! Rome Reports ... "It wasn't a regular videochat. Pope Francis simultaneously talked to young people from five continents, all connected at once, thanks to...